U I M S A H a c k
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UIMSAHack 2023.

The biggest student-led healthcare hackathon in sub-Saharan Africa.

Theme: Healthcare in Nigeria: Evolving Roles & Current Challenges
November 23rd - 26th 2023





50+ Participants

About UIMSAHack.

Collaborations. Innovations. Impact.

Multiple solutions at multiple times are necessary to counter the complex issues in healthcare. UIMSAHack is a student-led healthcare hackathon event that offers an opportunity for spotting innovative talent amongst participants from universities across the country and creating new opportunities to solve the complex problems of healthcare.
For posterity, it is very important that interested students have access to opportunities where they can learn deeply about identifying healthcare problems and the best approaches to solving them. Through training sessions and mentoring, UIMSAHack also aims to be an avenue where participants can be primed for collaborative problem-solving, for now, and for later.

UIMSAHack 2023.

In a ranking of the World Health systems produced by the World Health Organization in 2020, Nigeria was ranked 163rd out of 190 countries. This ranking represents the self-evident problems in the Nigerian healthcare system. Being the inaugural edition, UIMSAHack 2023 is focused on creating a model platform for the brightest young problem solvers across the country to brainstorm and engender solutions that can effect positive changes in Nigeria’s healthcare system. While it is front-facing as a competition, it’d also be a great learning opportunity for all participants.

Our Objectives

  • To enable the development of scalable solutions to problems in the Nigerian healthcare system.
  • To provide an opportunity for participants to learn about the problems in healthcare and how to approach solving them.
  • To harness the creative energy and problem-solving abilities of students, particularly medical students across the country.
  • To foster the student-led development of the healthcare start-up ecosystem
  • To provide an opportunity for participants to network with industry leaders and experienced problem solvers, and learn from them.

The Challenge

The problem cases for this year's hackathon will focus on the unique challenges of the Nigerian healthcare system. Being the first edition of UIMSAHack, we want to diversify solutions that’ll be developed at the hackathon. This need for diversity has influenced our decision to provide multiple hacking tracks highlinghted hereinafter.

Judging Criteria

There will be a dedicated session at the conclusion of the hackathon to allow each participating team to pitch and demonstrate their idea on-stage to the entire audience and for the judges to assess. After all the presentations, the assessments of the judges will be compiled and the winners will be decided from the average. The following criteria will make up the assessment:

  • Impact:
    How much impact would the solution have in solving the challenges presented?
  • Originality
    How novel is this solution?
  • Feasibility
    ​ Is the solution realistic in terms of technical, legal, or other practical considerations?
  • Completeness / Level of difficulty
    How much was done in the hackathon in terms of making a real solution?
  • Innovation​
    Is the solution innovative and creative?
  • Business Potential / Appeal to Market
    Is the solution capable of being profitable?

UIMSAHack 2023 Tracks

Health Access and Quality

Health care access in Nigeria is very limited in all dimensions due to factors within and beyond the health system; the quality of healthcare is also disproportionate with the middle to lower classes getting subpar healthcare services. Solutions that improve the access to, and the qualify of healthcare delivery in Nigeria are anticipated.

Health Insurance

According to a report from Dataphtye, about 3% of Nigerians have health insurance which is provided mostly by employers. For this track, we anticipate solutions that will greatly improve the penetration, and by extension, the understanding of health insurance in Nigeria.

Health Data and Information

We believe that patients and providers need better avenues to easily access and understand health data as a function of self or as a function of the population.

Healthcare Financing

The underdevelopment of the healthcare sector can be attributed to the lack of proper financing. Healthcare consumers are also unable to gain access to quality healthcare due to lack of funding. We crave solutions that make it easier for all healthcare stakeholders to gain access to financing.

Predictive Medicine

Solutions that aim to identify patients or communities at risk of developing a disease will influence timely prevention of that disease.

Personalized Therapy

For this track, participants are expected to submit solutions that use the patient's distinct information to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease.


We understand that the aforementioned tracks might be inexhaustive; participants are allowed to submit solutions that solve problems in the Nigerian healthcare system not mentioned above. These could include Men's/Women's Health, Digital Therapeutics, Patient Monitoring, and so on.

UIMSAHack 2023

Why should you participate?

At UIMSAHack 2023, you'll get to learn from some of the best minds in the healthcare and technology industries.

The problems in the Nigerian healthcare system need solutions birthed by bright minds like yours. UIMSAHack 2023 provides you with an opportunity to contribute by creating.

Competiting against like-minded peers and gaining insights from professionals provides an avenue for both vertical and horizontal networking..

2+ Workshops

Learn from high-yield and engaging workshops.


We've partnered with stakeholders to ensure everyone goes home a winner.


Get guidance from experts in building your ideas.


1st Prize
  • TBD
2nd Prize
  • TBD
3rd Prize
  • TBD


Do you wish to participate in UIMSAHack 2023?


UIMSAHack Resources